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Interesting And Amazing Facts About Ramadan

Amazing Facts About Ramadan :

Ramadan is the ninth month as indicated by the Islamic lunar logbook. The blessed month Ramadan begins when the new moon is located. Again when the new bow first moon is located it is viewed as the finish of Ramadan and festivity ordinarily known as Eid. Muslims rehearses 29 or 30 days of back to back fasting amid Ramadan with other extra petitions and ibadaats.
Just as the date of Ramadan contrasts 10 to 11 days consistently because of galactic figurings. Non-muslims generally wonder how Muslims quick excessively long without water or whatever else however as per Muslims this is the most honored and lovely act in Islamic direct.
We should discover some astounding and fascinating Ramadan certainties which most likely entrance you:
Crescent Moon Fact

Facts About Ramadan

  1. Amid Ramadan, the principal refrain was sent on the darling Prophet Muhammad (Peace arrive).
  2. Amid this blessed month, different Muslim nations deliberately abbreviate their work timings to offer some help and more opportunity for extra supplications and veneratingAmid this blessed month, different Muslim nations deliberately abbreviate their work timings to offer some help and more opportunity for extra supplications and venerating
  3. At the point when the Ramadan is drawing nearer in, for the most part, Muslim nations avenues, houses, mosques and markets are delightfully enlivened with various hued lights and green banners
  4. The green shading is the symbolize shade of the Islamic banner
  5. It is damn heartbreaking, in some Muslim nations Ramadan has turned into the period of expansion because of the costs of nourishment things and others goes up
  6. Regularly non-Muslims welcome Muslims in a decent, sweet way all through the world, just as Muslims need to welcome each other Ramadan Mubarak first, it is trusted that wishing Ramadan first will be compensated high
  7. In 33% of Ramadan, some Muslim nations or networks have a convention to offer endowments to their families, companions, colleagues, and neighbors
  8. Muslims from around the globe give zakat or philanthropy or sadqa as much when contrasted with the entire year
  9. Every single equitable deed in the fasting circumstance is compensated higher in like manner every single great deed amid Ramadan is likewise remunerated a lot higher when contrasted with other typical days
  10. It has been seen all through the world that non-muslim networks in any event once arranged supper or sustenance things for Muslims in Ramadan, for the most part in Asian nations
  11. Some Muslim nations have a standard not to overlook quickly amid Ramadan, it is viewed as illicit
  12. Fasting in the polar area is hardest where the light keeps going as long as 22 hours
  13. Muslims are told to commend the bliss of Ramadan toward the month’s end named Eid-ul-Fitr which keep going for three days
  14. Ramadan is remembered as the month in which the prophet Muhammad received the first of the revelations that make up the Quran.
  15. Because Ramadan is based on the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, the holiday starts 11–12 days earlier than it did the previous year. It takes about 33 Islamic years for Ramadan to return to the same place on the Gregorian calendar.
  16. The word "Ramadan" is from the Arabic root ramida or ar-ramad, which means scorching heat or dryness. This is because Ramadan typically takes place during the summer.
  17. Ramadan requires Muslims to fast during the "daylight hours." Muslims who live in places with a midnight sun or polar night follow the sunlight hours of Mecca.48-1.jpg (660×436)
  18. While Ramadan means a month of fasting, dieticians actually see an increase in diabetes cases and weight gain due to overeating once the sun goes down.
  19. Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The other pillars are Salat (prayer), Shahada (an affirmation that there is no deity besides God and his prophet is Muhammad), Zakat (charity), and Hajj (making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during one's lifetime).
  20. Children are not required to fast during Ramadan until they reach puberty.
  21. If someone is sick during Ramadan and is unable to fast, he or she can make up the fast when they recover.
  22. If someone deliberately breaks their fast during Ramadan for no legitimate reason, they are required to make up the missed day later.
  23. During the month of Ramadan, the productivity of workers declines by 35–50% due to both shorter working hours and loss of efficiency.
  24. After Ramadan is over, Muslims have a three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr, or "festival of the breaking of the fast," where people come together to eat, enjoy family and friends, and exchange gifts.
  25. In order to declare the beginning of Ramadan, Muslim-majority countries, such as Saudi Arabia, depend on the moon sighters. When these moon sighters see a crescent moon, Ramadan can begin.
  26. Thousands of people in the Gulf region are hospitalized each year due to fasting-related illnesses, such as indigestion, peptic ulcer disease, and gastroenteritis, during Ramadan.
  27. In some Muslim countries, failing to follow Ramadan can lead to imprisonment. In Algeria, for example, six people were imprisoned for four years for breaking their Ramadan fast early. In the United States and Europe, however, many Muslims are accepting of non-observers.
  28. The two main branches of Islam, the Sunnis and Shiites, break their Ramadan fasts differently. Sunnis typically break their fast when the sun is no longer on the horizon, but the sky is still light. Shiites break their fast when the last ray of light has gone.
  29. Fasting predates Islam. Abstaining from food and drink is mentioned in both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, both of which predate Muhammad (who was born in 570 AD)
  30. In 1805, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson held the first White House dinner with a Muslim, Sidi Soliman Mellimelliin, a Muslim. Jefferson. He adjusted the timing of the meal to “precisely at sunset” to accommodate for Ramadan.

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Interesting And Amazing Facts About Ramadan Interesting And Amazing Facts About Ramadan Reviewed by REHAN TAHIR on April 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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